WEN Biz Pro 2.0 Now Comes with Exciting Modern Demo and New Features

WEN BIZ Pro 2.0 main image

Our premium Multipurpose Corporate WordPress Theme, WEN BIZ Pro just got better with new features! The theme now comes with new and updated sections along with a Modern Demo. Buy WEN BIZ Pro to build an exciting modern corporate website!

The newly added sections in WEN Biz Pro 2.0 include the Team and Pricing sections. The update also includes a Modern Fullscreen Menu option as well. The newly added sections are fully responsive and highly customizable as well. You can use the sections to feature your team members and your product pricing details.

Similarly, WEN Biz Pro 2.0 also comes with a brand new one-click modern demo that is ready to import. The newly added demo is WEN Biz Modern.

With the fresh added features and demo in this update, it is safe to say that WEN Biz Pro is now ready for modern corporate websites with a beautiful and classy modern look.

WEN BIZ Pro 2.0 Highlights


  • Added Team Section

WEN Biz Pro now comes with a Team section. You can feature and display your team members that are involved in your company in the Team section. Choose your content type from Post, Page, Category, or Custom. You can display your team members elegantly in 1 to 4 columns.


  • Added Pricing Section

WEN Biz Pro 2.0 comes with a new Pricing section. You can use the section to display your pricing and packages to sell. You can display either Post, Page, Category, or Custom in up to 4 columns. Also, you can enter current, amount, amount remarks, headline, sub-headline, select the number of items to display, and more in this section. Furthermore, you can also give extra attention to selective items by highlighting the texts.

New Menu Option

  • Added Fullscreen Menu Option

Giving it a fresh modern look, WEN Biz Pro now comes with a Modern Fullscreen Menu Type. Under the Menu Options in Customizer, you can choose a new Modern Fullscreen Menu Type along with Modern and Classic menu type. The Modern Fullscreen menu allows your hamburger menu to expand to full screen; giving it a modern touch.

Single-Click Modern Demo

  • Added a Modern Demo

A new fresh demo has been added in the WEN Biz Pro update: WEN Biz Modern. The new demo is elegant, chic, and includes all the new features. You can import the modern demo and get your site ready in no time.