Photomania Pro is a visually astonishing and graphically refined, aesthetically exotic, modern and responsive WordPress photography theme. It has been designed for photographers or other creative types to easily and attractively show off their images and works in completely engaging way. It is not only a beautiful showcase but also an wonderful user experience.
Salient Features:
- Customizer API powered Theme Options Panel
- Featured Slider
- Responsive design
- Customizable home page sections
- Call To Action Section
- Services Section
- Latest News Section
- Testimonials Section
- Portfolio Section
- Team Section
- Front Page Widget Area
- Custom widgets
- Social Widget
- Featured Page Widget
- Recent Posts Widget
- Custom CSS options
- Multiple menus
- Color customization options
- More Google fonts
- Multiple layout options
- Archive layout options
- Breadcrumb options
- Pagination options
- Footer widgets feature
- Footer customization
- WooCommerce ready